Reflections on being a soldier.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Abuses By Congress

This is a very personnel post. . .my baby brother George, who is a member of the Bush Sub Cabinet was the guest of honor at the his ritualistic burning at the stake by Congress yesterday. Congressmen do have a reason to be outraged when something is screwed up, but here their concerns were very narrow and parochial it involved how much money New York City and Washington DC were going to get for preparing for the worst. My brother, I am sure handled the burning at the stake well, but for me this is another example of the problem with Congress. Rather than trying to understand, to govern, to fix problems they would rather grandstand and mug for the cameras. I am not handling it so well—as I am mad, as it is my baby brother who was burned at the stake.

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About Me

I have served the last thirty years in the United States Army, so I am now one of those I disliked when I was a young LT--you know the ones who sit on the bar stool and say "back in brown shoe Army."