Reflections on being a soldier.

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Decision of the Supreme Court

I was pleased by the decision of the Supreme Court regarding the detainees at GTIMO. Since that program began I have been troubled by the term enemy combatants. As a soldier the term held no meaning--as it was neither a POW or a prisoner. Our nation policies regarding the detainees at GTIMO has been misguided from the beginning and has done more to damage our standing in the world. Whilst the Constitution gives the President the responsibility of being Commander in Chief, it clearly states in Article I, Section 8 that Congress has the power to make rules regarding enemy prisoners. The Court affirmed the checks and balances of our founders and affirmed the Constitution must stand as a bulwark against arbitrary and capricious actions.

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About Me

I have served the last thirty years in the United States Army, so I am now one of those I disliked when I was a young LT--you know the ones who sit on the bar stool and say "back in brown shoe Army."